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Our Curriculum

At King’s Wood we provide a stimulating curriculum aimed at giving children a wide range of learning opportunities.  We hope to give you a full picture of what children learn at King's Wood on this web page. 

If you have questions which are not addressed on this webpage, please speak to your child's class teacher, or make an appointment to speak with the head teacher who is the school's curriculum lead. 

For details about how children with additional needs are supported to access the curriculum, please click here.




In Nursery and Reception the first curriculum your child will encounter is the Early Years Foundation Stage. This is a curriculum designed for under fives and has a strong emphasis on learning through play, both indoors and out.
The areas it covers are split into the prime areas and specific areas. The prime areas are communication and language, physical development and personal, social and emotional development. The specific areas are literacy, maths, understanding the world and expressive arts and design.
Children are also encouraged to develop the characteristics of learning which are:

  • playing and exploring,

  • active learning, and

  • creating and thinking critically


National Curriculum
As children move out of the Foundation Stage and progress through Year One they begin to study the National Curriculum.


Core Subjects
These are English, Maths, Science and ICT. Your child will take part in English and Maths lessons every day, usually in the morning. The work covered is in line with national guidance.

In English we focus strongly on ensuring children learn to speak, listen, read and write to a high standard. We also work towards them developing a love of stories and literature which allows children to extend their vocabulary and develops their understanding of characterisation and narrative.  Click here for further information.



The focus in Maths is on developing pupils' competency and competence with:

  • recall and application of number facts,

  • following mathematical processes methodically, accurately and quickly ('fluency'), and

  • using their knowledge to solve problems and reason mathematically. 

As a school, we have adopted the White Rose Hub approach to teaching and learning.   Click here​ for further information.



Science is taught for up to two hours a week and wherever possible is taught through practical activities and investigations. Children are asked to select questions to investigate within topics, design experiments, select equipment to carry them out and predict outcomes. They then analyse their results and draw conclusions from them.

ICT is used in all aspects of the curriculum as well as being taught as a discrete subject, computing. We have a computer suite as well as interactive whiteboards in every classroom and sets of laptops the children use in class. Children learn how to use word processing and publisher programs, graphics software, data handling and spreadsheets, power point and control technology including programming. They also have access to the internet throughout the school and are taught how to use it safely and responsibly. Your child will be asked to sign an internet agreement before being allowed to access the World Wide Web. We use Bucks Grid for Learning as our internet provider which has strong firewalls and a high level of security.

Foundation Subjects
All the other subjects within the curriculum are known as the foundation subjects. History, Geography, Art and Design and Design Technology are taught as part of topics lasting for half a term in Key Stage One and a whole term in Key Stage Two. We have found that the children gain a greater depth of understanding and are better able to make links with other curriculum areas when taught in this way.
We are fortunate to have a music specialist who works with every class, once a week, teaching music and she also leads a weekly singing practice for each key stage. There are lots of music clubs in school which pupils are welcome to join and in Key Stage two there is the opportunity to learn guitar or violin. We also have musicians come into school and perform for the children on a regular basis.  Click here to see the timetable for music clubs.

Religious Education and Collective Worship
At King’s Wood children learn about all world faiths and are taught to respect the beliefs of others. Through R.E. we encourage children to reflect on their experiences, behaviour and opinions and in doing so prepare them for adult life.  A collective act of worship takes place in school every day. 
Parents can withdraw their children for all or part of religious education or religious worship. If parents do wish to withdraw their children from either of these aspects of school life please contact the Headteacher who will discuss alternative provision.
King’s Wood is a community school and has no direct link to any Church, but we do have links with the local churches and religious groups. We regularly welcome visitors from these groups into our school.




We teach personal, social and health education (PSHE) and citizenship as part of our curriculum. Children learn about healthy lifestyles, keeping safe, peer pressure, physical development and relationships, all an essential part of life and learning.​

P.E. & Games are curriculum subjects and all children are expected to take part. The games programme covers a wide variety of activities with equal access for boys and girls. Your children will also take part in gymnastics, dance and athletics. Swimming is taught in Year Four and the children go out to a local pool for this.
A complete change of clothing is needed – school uniform PE Kit includes shorts and a T-shirt with plimsolls or trainers. A thicker top and tracksuit bottoms in dark blue or black is a good idea for colder days.
A written note should accompany any child to be excused P.E., Games or swimming for health reasons.  Earrings may not be worn as they represent a safety hazard during PE and Games. Children having their ears pierced need to do so at the beginning of the summer holidays so that earrings can be removed for the start of term.


Click here​ for further information about sport and PE at school.

Click here to see the timetable for sports clubs.

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