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The School Day

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The School Day

The gates open at 8.40am. Foundation and KS1 pupils go straight to the hall doors, where they say their good-byes and go down to their classrooms. Members of staff are on duty at the hall doors if you need to speak to them. KS2 pupils go straight to their classrooms via the door in the courtyard.

The school cannot be responsible for those children who arrive earlier than 8.40am.

At home time children in Foundation and Years 1 and 2 will not be allowed out until the teacher is sure a parent /carer is there to meet them. Similarly the KS2 teachers dismiss on the playground and will only let children go if they can see the person who is collecting them. It helps if parents and carers can stand close to the area that the children are dismissed from so that the teacher can see you.

If you or the person who normally collects your child (ren) cannot do so for any reason then please let the class teacher or the school office know. We will not let any child go home with another adult if we have not been informed about it.

Children should be aware of arrangements that have been made for the end of the day, please check that your child is clear about any alternative arrangements that have been made.

If an emergency prevents you from getting to school on time to collect your child (ren), please inform the school by phoning the office on:                         

01494 521401

 Some of our older KS2 pupils walk home on their own. We will only let them do this if we have letter from you giving them permission to do so.

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