King's Wood Curriculum
Curriculum Statement of Intent
We will encourage our children to be aspirational learners by providing them with the opportunities they need to acquire knowledge and develop key skills, through an enriched curriculum, which also supports them to become good citizens.
Our curriculum is designed to ensure the following:
Pupils having access to an engaging and stimulating curriculum
High quality learning in the classroom
Pupils acquiring the knowledge, skills and subject specific vocabulary they need for the next stage of their education
Continuity and progression across year groups and phases.
Effective cross-curricular links which enable pupils to transfer and apply skills learned in one subject to another
British Values and positive images of the range of cultures and lifestyles within our society are promoted.
Our curriculum is based on the following principles:
Do less, better
Privilege thinking over task completion
High Challenge – Low Threat
Concept based learning
Using high quality texts and authentic resources to support learning
Please click here to see our curriculum policy.
Please click on the links below to find out more about our curriculum for these subjects:
* Asterisked subjects are planned in a two-year rotation. In 2023-4, we are teaching rotation 1. We will teach rotation 2 in 2024-5.