Learning for All: Special Educational Needs, More Able, EAL, the ARP, Social Inclusion
At King's Wood, we have a strong focus on making sure that all pupils - whatever their strengths and needs - have the best possible opportunities to thrive as learners and as members of the school community.
Please find below summaries of our provision for different groups of pupils. Please contact the school if you feel your child requires / is entitled to the support described below.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Our Inclusion Leader is Mrs N. Kendrew. Our ARP Leader is Mrs S. Rooke. Both can be contacted via the school office.
"Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) benefit from the expertise that permeates the whole school."
"Pupils with SEND also make strong progress, often at a better rate than their peers."
Pupils who have specific difficulties with any aspect of learning are referred to the Inclusion Coordinator - Mrs Kendrew - who will assess the nature and degree of difficulty. As appropriate, support is allocated to pupils - e.g. additional support from an LSA in lessons, interventions, or strategies for the class teacher to use.
Where pupils meet the threshold for Special Educational Needs - as identified in the SEN Code of Practice - they will be placed on the school's SEN register. Where needs are more profound, it may be appropriate apply to the Local Authority for an Education Health Care Plan or seek specialist help. However, it is expected that in most cases, pupils will have their needs met by the school without additional resources from the Local Authority.
Other pupils who show some level of additional need will be placed on the school's Record of Concern so that they are identified, supported and monitored.
Class provision maps are used to record the support for pupils with additional needs. Class teachers meet termly with the Head Teacher and the Inclusion Coordinator to discuss targets for pupils with SEN, identify any barriers to progress and review the support in place.
- our Local Offer, including details of the SEN team, school provision and county provision
- our SEN policy
please click here to be redirected to the policies page.​
The Language ARP
"The leadership of the ARP for pupils with SEND is exceptionally strong. Leaders ensure that the specific needs of individual pupils are identified and met. Consequently, these pupils make excellent progress from their starting points."
"Learning in the ARP is exceptionally well planned and delivered. Staff know pupils’ needs very well and adapt activities skilfully. Pupils are supported to build on their prior learning and to develop their communication skills and understanding of the world. Staff make careful use of physical resources and the outside world"
The County funded Language Additionally Resourced Provision (ARP) has places for 15 children in Key Stage 1 and 2. Children in the ARP have an Education Health Care Plan for Special Educational Needs relating to specific Speech and Language difficulties.
Please click here for further information about the Language ARP.
EAL (Pupils with English as an Additional Language)
"Support for pupils who speak English as an additional language (EAL) is strong, and most of these pupils make rapid progress as a consequence."
We make sure that all children get the chance to talk as much as possible about their learning. This improves their understanding and their writing.
We use pictures to help children understand and learn new words.
We pair children who are new to English with other children who can help them settle in.
We use dictionaries, displays and vocabulary mats help children choose and write words.
We teach grammar to children to help them understand things like tense, plurals and verb agreement.
We have a wide range of reading material, including books in other languages, to help children develop confidence and understanding.
We use translators on the computer to support pupils new to English.
We use a bank of resources - 'The Green Folder' - to support our EAL pupils in their development of academic language
We make everybody welcome in our school.
More Able Pupils
As a school, we are year-on-year increasing the proportion of pupils who achieve the higher standards in Reading, Writing and Maths. We are lucky to have some very talented pupils at King's Wood and we are continually reviewing our practice to ensure that they have the opportunities they need to excel in all areas of the curriculum.
The school development plan has a specific focus on developing practices to get the most out our our able pupils and we employ a variety of strategies including:
- challenging activities in all lessons
- challenging reading material
Social Inclusion, Nurture and Wellbeing
We know that not all children find it easy to make / keep friends, play with other children, share, take turns, and manage their own behaviour. Socially, children develop at different rates. By nature, schools are social places and we realise that this can be challenging for some pupils. At King's Wood we have a range of strategies and resources in place to support pupils experiencing these types of difficulties including:
friendship groups
structured play
play therapy
circle time
behaviour support
pastoral support
Family Liaison Manager support
Learning mentors
counselling sessions
time out
adult support in classrooms and on the playground
To see our policies for anti-bullying and behaviour, please click here to be redirected to our policies page.
Further details of how we promote social inclusion can be found on the pastoral support page.