King's Wood Curriculum - Phonics & Reading
Why is English important?
‘A high-quality education in English will teach pupils to speak and write fluently so that they can communicate their ideas and emotions to others and through their reading and listening, others can communicate with them. Through reading in particular, pupils have a chance to develop culturally, emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually. Literature, especially, plays a key role in such development. Reading also enables pupils both to acquire knowledge and to build on what they already know. All the skills of language are essential to participating fully as a member of society.’
(National Curriculum)
Read, Write Inc, which supports reading using phonics is taught daily in EYFS and KS1. In KS2, phonics continues to be delivered, following the Read Write structure using ‘Wandle’ books, for pupils who are identified as having incomplete or insecure knowledge of phase 1-3 sounds, using the Read Write Inc. assessment.
For further information about Read Write Inc. please click here.
All pupils are grouped by ability for guided reading. Guided reading sessions lasting at least 20 minutes and take place twice a week. Adults across the year group are allocated a group to read with, so that every child in the class has read to an adult over the week.
Guided reading sessions in KS1 are planned to include shared reading, silent reading and focused questioning by the teacher to develop comprehension skills. Assessment during these sessions will inform whether a child needs to move on to a higher level in the reading scheme.
The level of texts used during teacher led guided reading is slightly higher than the reading level pupils are reading independently.
During guided reading sessions, the rest of the class is given a selection of English related tasks (such as sentences for spellings, story starters and writing journals) that they can undertake independently.
In Key Stage 2 children are split into three groups during guided reading sessions with each group focusing on a particular skill: Phonics intervention – Wandle books, Walking Talking Mocks (WTM) – comprehension strategies, Reading fluency.
Fast-paced reading of a narrative, challenging text by the teacher for at least 15 minutes should take place daily modelling expression and discussing vocabulary.
Independent reading should be taught and encouraged in class, with a wide variety of texts available (including non-fiction, play scripts, picture books, fun texts and events such as ‘comic day’).
Activities such as role-play, hot-seating and drama should be used to help pupils to understand texts and promote enjoyment of reading.
Pupils should have the opportunity to undertake at least one written comprehension exercise per week.
Book corners should be utilised in every classroom and the school library should be used by each class at least once a week.
Every effort should be made to reflect a range of cultures when planning and selecting texts for study.
Where appropriate some children will need to be heard read on an individual basis. Carefully selected ‘Reading Buddies’ can be used to support this.
Pupils should be encouraged to read daily at home and have their home reading records completed, these records should be checked and signed at least once a week by the teacher/LSA. Pupils should change their reading books at least once a week and more if they wish to.
Pupils are read to daily as part of a whole class activity using 'Fast Paced Texts' - an activity shown by research to increase pupils' reading ages. these books are selected from Pie Corbetts' Reading Spines. The range of texts for each year group can be found below: