Safeguarding, Welfare and Attendance
At King's Wood School, we take pupil and staff wellbeing very seriously. We know that both children and adults do best when they feel happy, safe and have their basic needs met.
For children, basic needs includes:
knowing that they are loved and cared for
knowing that they are safe from harm
consistent access to adequate food, hygiene, housing and sleep
exercising their right to benefit from educational opportunities by coming to school every day
As well as a dedicated body of teaching professionals, the school is fortunate to have two student mentors, one key-worker and a family liaison manager. All of these members of the team can support your child and, as needed, support you, so that all children have the opportunity to do well at school.
As such, we aim to provide a happy and secure environment in which all children, at every stage of their development, can achieve the best of which they are capable.
Our school aims to:
Create an environment where everyone feels safe, secure and happy and where there is mutual respect​
Provide opportunities for children and adults to actively engage in their learning and enable them to achieve their full potential
Ensure access to a broad, balanced and stimulating curriculum that celebrates diversity and supports children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development
Enable children to be confident and independent learners with high self-esteem
Inspire and motivate children to continue learning throughout their lives
Develop children’s ability to recognise their emotions, look after their own behavior and consider its impact on those around them.
Promote healthy lifestyles to enable children to make informed choices
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Have good communication links with parents and be actively involved in the wider community.