PE, Sport & Sports Premium
At King's Wood, we are extremely fortunate to be able to benefit from the services of a professional sports coach, funded through sports premium.
Children benefit immensely from expert sports teaching and achieve well both in school and in wider tournaments.
Please click here for further information about the use of sports premium.
P.E & Games
P.E. and Games are curriculum subjects and all children are expected to take part. The games programme covers a wide variety of activities with equal access for boys and girls. Your children will also take part in gymnastics, dance and athletics. Swimming is taught in Year Four and the children go out to a local pool for this. A complete change of clothing is needed – school uniform PE Kit includes shorts and a T-shirt with plimsolls or trainers. A thicker top and tracksuit bottoms in dark blue or black is a good idea for colder days. A written note should accompany any child to be excused P.E., Games or swimming for health reasons. Earrings may not be worn as they represent a safety hazard during PE and Games. Children having their ears pierced need to do so at the beginning of the summer holidays so that earrings can be removed for the start of term.
For details about sports clubs, please click here.