Trips, Enrichment, Clubs & Extra Curricular Activities
As many parents are aware, we have been in a very fortunate position regarding funding for educational visits and enrichment opportunities i.e Theatre Groups, Science and History days in school. We remain able to heavily subsidise these activities this year although school budgets are getting tighter.
We would like to request a voluntary payment of £10.00 per child per term from all parents.
This is still significantly less than the actual cost of the activities which include coach, insurance and entrance fees and fees for agencies visiting school. However, the school is happy to continue to fund the difference to keep these activities affordable for families.
Transport to sports matches, competitions and after school clubs will remain free of charge. Please note, if we do not receive contributions we will be forced to cancel the activities that we have booked which will be very disappointing for the children.
Our aim is for each year group to experience one external trip per term linked to the topic they are currently working on and at least one enrichment activity in school, although this may change slightly from year group to year group.
Further information regarding each trip will be sent out in due course. Payments can now be made online at using your password previously supplied to you. Alternatively, you can pay cash or cheque in a named envelope to the school office. Cheques should be made payable to Bucks County Council.
There are letters to parents for each year group outlining the plans for enrichment and trips this academic year. Please click here to be redirected to the letters page.

If you would like your child to attend an after school office, they must be registered. Places are offered on a first come, first served basis. Please contact the school office to find out about availability.
Zone Club registration form - click here
Choir - music and lyrics - click here