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English is a core part of the school curriculum.  

Our English Lead is Mrs Martin.

Our Read Write Inc Lead is Mrs Rodger.





Early Learning of Reading and Spelling - Phonics:

Learning the sounds and letters which form the building blocks of reading and spelling are taught, beginning in the Foundation Stage, through Read Write Inc.  Please click here for more information.


At King’s Wood School we use ‘Power of Reading’ to develop the children’s reading and writing skills.






The Power of Reading is a whole school learning and teaching approach which engages teachers and children in the literacy curriculum through high quality books and proven teaching approaches. It was developed by professionals at the Centre for Literacy Primary Education’s (CLPE’s) highly regarded classroom based research and experience of working with teachers. The Power of Reading project combines the use of outstanding books for teachers and children with an approach to teaching the English curriculum that is creative, engaging and develops a love of literacy. The Power of reading resources enable our teachers to contextualise language, grammar, phonics and spelling in meaningful ways and plan for progression, enabling children to work at greater depth in both reading and writing. The Power of Reading meets all the requirements of the English national curriculum.


Please click here to see this year's Power of Reading overview.




At King’s Wood we believe that all aspects of our reading programme (reading aloud, shared, group and independent reading and the systematic teaching of phonics, spelling and etymology) should all be enjoyable. We promote enjoyment and engagement through the creative use of high quality texts. We use the Power of Reading programme, developing teaching and learning strategies to support engagement with books and attainment in reading. This approach resonates through every other reading experience children encounter, such as group reading sessions and in selecting the books which we provide for children to read independently, and the contexts we provide for sharing and enjoying these books.

Daily fast-paced reading of quality, vocabulary rich texts, by teachers to the children enable the teachers to present themselves as good reading role models; to promote books and reading; to develop their reading environment; and to think about broader reading opportunities which enable children to develop their independence and to read widely for purpose and pleasure across the curriculum, both in and out of school.

Every child has the right to learn how to read. Children should enjoy reading, make progress; and have the opportunity to be creative.


National Curriculum 2014

'All pupils must be encouraged to read widely across both fiction and non-fiction to develop their knowledge of themselves and the world in which they live, to establish an appreciation and love of reading, and to gain knowledge across the curriculum. Reading also feeds pupils’ imagination and opens up a treasure-house of wonder and joy for curious young minds.'


Working Walls:

Key vocabulary relating to the taught text is put on the wall at the beginning of the term and then built on throughout the term with the children’s support.

Technical vocabulary (vocabulary relating to specific subject areas) is displayed alongside subject specific working walls.


Further information:

If you would like to know more about your child's English education at King's Wood, please speak to your child's teacher or, if you have further questions, please contact our English Lead – Mrs N. Martin - through the school office:


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