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Head Teacher's Welcome
Welcome to the King’s Wood School and Nursery website.
I hope you find all the information you need here. However, if you can’t find what you are looking for please don’t hesitate to contact us. We always welcome enquiries and visits and I am happy to show you around by appointment.
We are a two form entry Primary School and Nursery, within the vibrant and diverse community of Totteridge in High Wycombe. Our school reflects that diversity and we pride ourselves on an ethos which promotes mutual respect and values every individual. We place children’s learning and well being at the centre of all we do and offer a well resourced, attractive environment in which to learn and grow.
Our aim is to provide a rich and stimulating, skills based, curriculum for your child, which promotes aspiration, independence and good citizenship. In this way we hope to enable every child to achieve their full potential. Most importantly King’s Wood is a happy place and our children love coming to school.
Mrs Janice Freeman
Head Teacher
Chepping View SCITT Partnership
We are proud to be a partner school with Chepping View Primary Academy SCITT. If you would like to know more about the role of the SCITT in initial teacher training, please click here.
Find Us
Contact Us
King's Wood School and Nursery
Hollis Road
High Wycombe
HP13 7UN
01494 521401
For general queries, please speak to office manager: Mrs P. Burton - schooloffice@kingswood.bucks.sch.uk
For queries relating to Special Educational Needs, please speak to Inclusion Leader: Mrs N. Kendrew - schooloffice@kingswood.bucks.sch.uk
Please send any correspondence to Governors via the school office, clearly marked for the attention of the Chair of Governors.